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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Correcteur Conceal & Correct

skonhet Dam Concealer & Correcteur Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Correct - Banana Beigeskonhet Dam Concealer & Correcteur Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Correct - Banana Beigeskonhet Dam Concealer & Correcteur Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Correct - Banana Beigeskonhet Dam Concealer & Correcteur Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Correct - Banana Beige
skonhet Dam Concealer & Correcteur Makeup Revolution Concealer Conceal & Correct - Banana Beige

Concealer Conceal & Correct - Banana

Pris angivet av säljaren
101,00 kr      62,00 kr
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Produktreferens: 27982193
Discover the ultimate solution for a flawless complexion with Makeup Revolution's Conceal & Correct. Choose from eight shades to correct and conceal, then apply the Conceal & Define concealer for impeccable coverage. Complete your look with the Conceal & Define Foundation for an irresistible base. Achieve perfect skin with our simple three-step routine. Revolutionize your beauty routine with Makeup Revolution's Conceal & Correct. Whether you have dark circles, brown spots, or dull skin, our range of eight shades has the perfect solution for every skin concern. The first step involves correcting with the Conceal & Correct, providing flawless coverage for an impeccable complexion. Follow up with our Conceal & Define Concealer to camouflage and define, adding an extra layer of perfection. Finally, complete your base with the Conceal & Define Foundation for a lasting and impeccable finish.Our innovative liquid formula, paired with the doe-foot applicator, ensures a smooth and easy application. Conceal everything from dark circles to dull skin with this all-in-one solution. Each shade is carefully selected to suit different skin tones, guaranteeing a natural and harmonious result. From Peach to conceal dark circles to White for adjusting color correctors, our vegan and cruelty-free range offers options for all skin tones.Incorporate these three simple steps into your daily routine for a uniform and impeccable base. Trust Makeup Revolution to provide you with the best version of your skin, offering quality products and an extensive range to meet all your correction and camouflage needs.

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