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Retur  | Herr Skonhet Herr Hårvård Herr Styling Herr Styling Fixegoiste
skonhet Herr Styling Fixegoiste Gel Wax - Wet & Strong 150ml Annat
skonhet Herr Styling Fixegoiste Gel Wax - Wet & Strong 150ml Annat

Gel Wax - Wet & Strong 150ml

Pris angivet av säljaren
118,00 kr      65,00 kr
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Produktreferens: 27152201
Discover FixEgoiste's Wet & Strong 150ml Gel Wax Styling Wax. Specifically designed for men, it sculpts your hair with a wet effect and strong hold. Enriched with keratin for a polished and stylish appearance in your daily routine. Offering a superior styling solution, FixEgoiste's Wet & Strong 150ml Gel Wax is specially crafted for men seeking a modern and refined style. This advanced formula sculpts your hair, providing an elegant wet effect, creating defined texture and natural shine.This styling wax delivers a strong hold, perfect for maintaining your style throughout the day, no matter your activity. Enriched with keratin, it nurtures and strengthens your hair, leaving it both styled and healthy. FixEgoiste's professional-grade formula ensures easy application and long-lasting resilience, making it a must-have for impeccable daily hairstyling.Whether you desire a casual look or a sophisticated hairstyle, this styling wax is the perfect accessory to shape and structure your hair. Choose FixEgoiste's Wet & Strong 150ml Gel Wax for a standout style that reflects your personality with flair.

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