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Retur  | Dam Skonhet Dam Skönhets Accessoarer Dam Tillbehör -Ögon Dam Tillbehör -Ögon Catrice
skonhet Dam Tillbehör -Ögon Catrice Eyelash Glue - Transparent Annatskonhet Dam Tillbehör -Ögon Catrice Eyelash Glue - Transparent Annatskonhet Dam Tillbehör -Ögon Catrice Eyelash Glue - Transparent Annat
skonhet Dam Tillbehör -Ögon Catrice Eyelash Glue - Transparent Annat

Eyelash Glue - Transparent

41,00 kr Partnerprodukt
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Spartoo Premium Days tills 11/06/2024: 20% rabatt med Spartoo Premium.
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Produktreferens: 23447651
Discover Catrice Eyelash Glue, your ally for flawless false lashes. Paraben-free, fragrance-free, and entirely vegan, this formula ensures long-lasting hold. The beveled applicator guarantees precise application, keeping your false lashes in place for hours. Explore excellence with Catrice Eyelash Glue, an innovative creation to enhance your gaze. Formulated without parabens, fragrance-free, and 100% vegan, this formula combines beauty and ethics. Precise application becomes a breeze with the beveled applicator, ensuring perfect adherence of false lashes. Enjoy long-lasting hold resisting the challenges of the day, while highlighting your natural beauty. Catrice Eyelash Glue offers more than just fixation it creates a sensory experience, boosting your confidence and elegance.Reveal your style with an advanced formula, keeping your false lashes in place for hours without compromise. The beveled applicator offers unparalleled precision, allowing a seamless application. Catrice Eyelash Glue is not just a cosmetic product it's an essential accessory for a carefree beauty routine. Choose excellence with Catrice, where quality meets innovation, for captivating false lashes and an enchanting gaze.

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