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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Conceal & Define Foundation

skonhet Dam Foundation & Bas Makeup Revolution Conceal & Define Foundation - F16 Brunskonhet Dam Foundation & Bas Makeup Revolution Conceal & Define Foundation - F16 Brunskonhet Dam Foundation & Bas Makeup Revolution Conceal & Define Foundation - F16 Brun
skonhet Dam Foundation & Bas Makeup Revolution Conceal & Define Foundation - F16 Brun

Conceal & Define Foundation - F16

Pris angivet av säljaren
189,00 kr      109,00 kr
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Spartoo Premium Days tills 11/06/2024: 20% rabatt med Spartoo Premium.
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Produktreferens: 27982223
Discover the Conceal & Define Foundation by Makeup Revolution, offering full coverage with a versatile formula available in 50 skin-true shades. Its oil-free creamy texture provides a long-lasting demi-matte finish without settling into fine lines or clinging to dry areas. Presented in a luxurious glass bottle with a giant doe-foot applicator, this foundation offers highly pigmented coverage, buildable or diffusible according to your preference, for a flawless complexion. The Conceal & Define Foundation by Makeup Revolution is your ally for flawless skin. Available in an extensive palette of 50 skin-true shades, this foundation offers full and buildable coverage. Its oil-free formula ensures a long-wearing demi-matte finish, while its creamy texture guarantees optimal comfort throughout the day. Designed to adapt to all skin types and tones, this foundation does not settle into fine lines and does not accentuate dry areas, leaving your skin smooth and uniform.Presented in a luxurious glass bottle, the Conceal & Define Foundation comes with a giant doe-foot applicator, providing precise control during application and reducing waste. Its high level of pigmentation allows for highly pigmented coverage, which you can layer for maximum coverage or blend for a more natural effect. By using a small amount with a damp beauty sponge, you can achieve a veil-like finish, revealing the natural texture of your skin while concealing imperfections.For a perfect result, pair the Conceal & Define Foundation with your favorite concealer from the same range to highlight, sculpt, or conceal targeted areas. In addition to its effectiveness, this foundation also meets ethical standards, being vegan, cruelty-free, paraben-free, and oil-free. Offering full coverage and optimal comfort, the Conceal & Define Foundation by Makeup Revolution is the ideal choice for flawless everyday skin.

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