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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Liquid Highl

skonhet Dam Highlighters Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter Halloween Skull - Ghosted Gråskonhet Dam Highlighters Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter Halloween Skull - Ghosted Gråskonhet Dam Highlighters Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter Halloween Skull - Ghosted Grå
skonhet Dam Highlighters Makeup Revolution Liquid Highlighter Halloween Skull - Ghosted Grå

Liquid Highlighter Halloween Skull - Ghosted

Pris angivet av säljaren
97,00 kr      60,00 kr
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Produktreferens: 27982326
Discover Makeup Revolution's Liquid Highlighter Halloween Skull. This lightweight formula offers a dazzling glow for face and body. With a pipette applicator for precise control, this vegan and cruelty-free product adds a touch of glamour to your Halloween look. Makeup Revolution presents its Liquid Highlighter Halloween Skull, a lightweight reflective formula designed to illuminate the face and body. Featuring a pipette applicator, this product allows total control over the intensity of the glow, giving you the freedom to create the desired effect. Whether for whimsical makeup or glamorous looks, this highlighter is your ally to shine brightly during the Halloween season.This extremely lightweight formula blends seamlessly with other makeup products, whether liquid foundations or powders, to create a customized and dazzling glow. You can also mix this highlighter with liquid powder for a radiant face, perfect for costume parties or Halloween festivities.Makeup Revolution is committed to providing quality products while adhering to ethical standards. The Liquid Highlighter Halloween Skull is vegan and cruelty-free, allowing you to feel good about your skin while having fun with your makeup. Add a touch of magic to your Halloween makeup routine with this versatile and dazzling product from Makeup Revolution.

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