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Retur  | Dam Skonhet Dam Make Up - Ögon Dam Kajal Dam Kajal Anafeli

Anafeli Crayon Contour Des Yeux

skonhet Dam Kajal Anafeli Eye Contour Pencil - 07 Violet Violett
skonhet Dam Kajal Anafeli Eye Contour Pencil - 07 Violet Violett

Eye Contour Pencil - 07 Violet

65,00 kr Partnerprodukt
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Produktreferens: 24614664
Choose Anafeli's black eye pencil for an instant touch of elegance! This 1.43g gem accentuates eye contours, highlighting your natural beauty with long-lasting wear. Anafeli - Paris offers the ultimate choice for a beautifully defined gaze that won't go unnoticed. Elevate your makeup game with Anafeli's black eye pencil, a must-have for Parisian elegance. With a 1.43g capacity, this pencil not only adds a sophisticated touch to your look but also delicately emphasizes the contour of your eyes, revealing the true essence of your beauty. Choosing Anafeli means choosing a brand that understands the importance of quality and durability.Anafeli's special eye pencil - Paris promises long-lasting results, eliminating the need for frequent touch-ups. Each application is a luxurious experience, gliding smoothly for an intense look that withstands the test of time. Crafted in Italy with the highest quality materials, this black eye pencil reflects Anafeli's unwavering commitment to elegance and class.Trust Anafeli to enhance and define your gaze in a way that leaves everyone captivated. Wrap your face in unparalleled sophistication with this exceptional black pencil. Try Anafeli now and discover the beauty that lies in every stroke of this exceptionally crafted makeup gem.

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