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Nyx Professional Make Up
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Nyx Professional Make Up Huile à Lèvres Slip Tease Full Color

skonhet Dam Läppstift Nyx Professional Make Up Lip Oil Slip Tease Full Color - 03 Coy Rosaskonhet Dam Läppstift Nyx Professional Make Up Lip Oil Slip Tease Full Color - 03 Coy Rosa
skonhet Dam Läppstift Nyx Professional Make Up Lip Oil Slip Tease Full Color - 03 Coy Rosa

Lip Oil Slip Tease Full Color - 03 Coy

Pris angivet av säljaren
154,00 kr      76,00 kr
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Spartoo Premium Days tills 11/06/2024: 20% rabatt med Spartoo Premium.
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Produktreferens: 27594533
Nyx's Slip Tease Full Color Lip Oil provides a luxurious, silky glide. NYX Professional Make Up's Matte Slip Tease Lip Oil delivers vibrant matte shades with a surprisingly lively finish. Don't be fooled by its lightweight feel this rule-breaking lip oil is richly pigmented, offering a smooth, satiny allure to your lips. Discover the unparalleled elegance of Nyx's Slip Tease Full Color Lip Oil, a revolution in lip care and color. NYX Professional Make Up proudly presents the Matte Slip Tease Lip Oil, a luxurious fusion of lightweight comfort and intense pigmentation. This innovative lip oil defies expectations as it effortlessly glides over your lips, leaving behind a silky matte finish that is surprisingly vibrant.Immerse yourself in a sensory experience where lightness meets the intensity of color. Each application of the Matte Slip Tease Lip Oil offers a burst of rich matte colors, creating a satin and captivating allure for your lips. Nyx pushes boundaries with this lip oil that redefines the art of enhancing your smile. The innovative formula combines boldness and elegance, creating a world where color and comfort perfectly marry.Explore a universe where every drop of this revolutionary lip oil tells a story of confidence and personal expression. Nyx's Matte Slip Tease Lip Oil invites you to transcend conventional standards and embrace the unique beauty of your lips. Rediscover the joy of expressing yourself boldly through this lip oil that transforms every smile into a work of art.

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