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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Creme Lippenstift 3ml

skonhet Dam Läppstift Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 113 Heart Race Rosaskonhet Dam Läppstift Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 113 Heart Race Rosaskonhet Dam Läppstift Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 113 Heart Race Rosa
skonhet Dam Läppstift Makeup Revolution Cream Lipstick 3ml - 113 Heart Race Rosa

Cream Lipstick 3ml - 113 Heart Race

Pris angivet av säljaren
65,00 kr      33,00 kr
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Spartoo Premium Days tills 11/06/2024: 20% rabatt med Spartoo Premium.
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Produktreferens: 27981994
Discover the elegance of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. Its creamy, highly pigmented, and hydrating formula provides vibrant color while taking care of your lips. Achieve an impeccable satin finish, perfect for enhancing your day and evening makeup. Immerse yourself in the luxurious world of Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick. This exceptional formula, enriched with intense pigments, transforms your beauty routine into a sensory experience. As you apply this lipstick, the liquid texture glides smoothly, tracing every contour with impeccable precision. The 3ml of product holds a color power that doesn't go unnoticed.Makeup Revolution's Crème Lipstick doesn't just beautify your lips it also nourishes them. Its creamy and hydrating formula cares for dry lips, leaving them soft and full of vitality. Your lips are not only beautifully pigmented but also benefit from continuous hydration, adding a touch of care to your daily makeup ritual.Whether you're preparing a natural daytime look or a glamorous evening appearance, this lipstick beautifully marks your lips, adding a touch of elegance to your face. Thanks to its high pigmentation, a single application is enough to achieve vibrant color and a satin finish. Perfectly full and radiant lips are the result of this fusion between beauty and skincare. Elevated to the status of essential, Makeup Revolution Crème Liquid Lipstick offers you more than just a pop of color. It's a statement of style and care, all in one.

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