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Retur  | Dam Skonhet Dam Make up - Bas Dam Highlighters Dam Highlighters Essence
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96,00 kr Partnerprodukt
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Spartoo Premium Days tills 11/06/2024: 20% rabatt med Spartoo Premium.
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Produktreferens: 28015744
Discover the Essence Love that Glow & Bronze contouring palette for a radiant and sun-kissed complexion. Its luminous shades illuminate key areas of the face, while its bronzy hues bring a subtle warmth.Define and sculpt your contours for an instant healthy glow. This vegan and gluten-free palette offers a silky finish with highly pigmented powders. Dive into the world of makeup with the Essence Love that Glow & Bronze contouring palette. This versatile palette is a must-have for a fresh and radiant complexion. Its luminous shades delicately illuminate key areas of your face, while its bronzy hues add a touch of warmth for an instant healthy glow. Define and accentuate your contours with this palette designed to sculpt and enhance your face. Whether you're looking to create defined contours or add a touch of light to your cheeks, this palette meets all your needs.Essence's Love that Glow & Bronze palette offers a highly pigmented formula with a silky and tender finish. Thanks to its soft texture, it blends perfectly into the skin for a natural result. Moreover, this palette is an ideal option for sensitive individuals, as it is free from gluten, oil, and alcohol. You can thus enjoy flawless makeup without compromising the comfort of your skin. Furthermore, this palette is vegan certified, making it an ethical choice for conscious makeup enthusiasts.In summary, the Essence Love that Glow & Bronze contouring palette is a must-have for those looking to illuminate their face while sculpting their contours. With its luminous and bronzy shades, it offers a multitude of possibilities to create fresh and radiant looks. Its premium formula and commitment to gluten-free, oil-free, and alcohol-free ingredients make it a safe and effective choice for all skin types, even the most sensitive.

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