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Spartoo Premium Days tills 11/06/2024: 20% rabatt med Spartoo Premium.
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Produktreferens: 24476009
Get a flawless, shine-free complexion with Essence's All About Matt! Mattifying Papers. This new green beauty version, enriched with green tea extract, quickly eliminates excess sebum and shine, leaving your skin perfectly matte. Ideal for daily use or on-the-go touch-ups, these papers are your allies for impeccable skin anytime. Discover the ultimate secret to a flawless complexion with Essence's All About Matt! Mattifying Papers. Crafted to provide a quick and effective solution against unwanted shine, these mattifying papers are the key to a uncompromised look whether you're at home or on the go. The new green beauty version is infused with green tea extract, bringing a touch of freshness to each application.Perfect for quick touch-ups, these mattifying papers are your ideal companions for a first date or a night out with friends. Gently pressing the paper onto your skin instantly absorbs excess sebum, reviving your complexion and leaving your skin visibly matte. Lightweight and easy to carry, slip them into your handbag for discreet touch-ups anytime during the day.All About Matt! Mattifying Papers embody Essence's commitment to uncompromised beauty. Each sheet is imbued with natural benefits, not only eliminating shine but also nourishing your skin with the soothing properties of green tea. Give your skin the best of nature with this essential product that will accompany you everywhere, revealing the authentic beauty of your complexion without unnecessary shine.

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