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Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Solglasögon Herling

Herling Casimir Sun

Produktreferens: 28215094
Casimir Sun - Svart
1012,00 kr      595,00 kr
Pris angivet av säljaren
Casimir Sun
1012,00 kr      595,00 kr
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  • One size
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Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Herling Casimir Sun Orange Orange
Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Herling Casimir Sun Annat Annat
Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Herling Casimir Sun Flerfärgad Flerfärgad
Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Herling Casimir Sun Flerfärgad Flerfärgad
Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Herling Casimir Sun Flerfärgad Flerfärgad
Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Herling Casimir Sun Flerfärgad Flerfärgad
Klockor & Smycken Solglasögon Herling Casimir Sun Svart Svart
Beskrivning Every traveler knows that the true spirit of adventure lies not only in the destinations reached, but in the way in which experiences are lived and remembered. Herling sunglasses embody this spirit, becoming irreplaceable companions on every journey, from the familiar streets of your city to the unexplored paths of distant lands. Precision crafted from cellulose acetate, our glasses are not just an accessory, but an extension of your personality. The acetate offers a lightness that allows you to wear them all day, and its resistance ensures that they remain by your side on every adventure, becoming witnesses of your most cherished memories. The design expresses a perfect balance between retro style and contemporary trends. Each frame, with its unique aesthetic, tells a story of timeless elegance, allowing you to express your individuality and character. But aesthetics isn't everything. The lenses with UV400 protection filter offer maximum defense from ultraviolet rays, ensuring that your vision is protected in all light conditions. You will be free to look at the world with new eyes and discover details and colors you have never noticed before.  Wearing Herling sunglasses means embracing a world where form and function coexist in harmony. They are the perfect choice for those who seek to fully experience every moment, enhancing their personality through a distinctive style. Model: Casimir
 Gender: Unisex
 Frame: Cellulose acetate 
Lenses: Policarbonate
 Type: UV400 protection 
Herling packaging
Artikelnummer Spartoo 28215094

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