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Makeup Revolution
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skonhet Dam Läppstift Makeup Revolution Mystical Mermaids Lipstick - Mythical Tale Violett

Mystical Mermaids Lipstick - Mythical Tale

Pris angivet av säljaren
101,00 kr      65,00 kr
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Produktreferens: 27982005
Experience enchantment with Makeup Revolution's Mystical Mermaids Lipstick, a gem from the I Heart Revolution range. Achieve dazzling lips with its shimmering metallic finish. Choose from intense shades for a multidimensional effect. The turquoise packaging, adorned with mermaid scales, adds a magical touch to your beauty routine. Immerse yourself in the enchanting makeup universe with Makeup Revolution's Mystical Mermaids Lipstick, a centerpiece of the I Heart Revolution collection. This lipstick offers a shiny and metallic finish that will captivate all gazes. Intense shades create a multidimensional effect, transforming your lips into a canvas of stunning colors. Choose from a range of hues, with each coconut-infused lipstick providing a luxurious sensory experience.The Mystical Mermaids Lipstick stands out with its exquisite packaging. Presented in a turquoise case adorned with raised mermaid scales, it evokes the elegance and magic of the deep sea. This sumptuous packaging only foreshadows the splendor hidden inside. Application is a dream, with the rich formula gliding smoothly to create irresistibly glamorous lips.Whether you opt for a bold solo look or layer this Mystical Mermaids lipstick over an existing color, your style will not go unnoticed. This product embodies the perfect fusion of cosmetic art and magic. Treat your lips to a sensational experience with Makeup Revolution's Mystical Mermaids Lipstick, a true gem of modern beauty.

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