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Essence Crayon Yeux Kajal

skonhet Dam Kajal Essence Eye Pencil Kajal - 15 Behind The Scenes Gråskonhet Dam Kajal Essence Eye Pencil Kajal - 15 Behind The Scenes Gråskonhet Dam Kajal Essence Eye Pencil Kajal - 15 Behind The Scenes Grå
skonhet Dam Kajal Essence Eye Pencil Kajal - 15 Behind The Scenes Grå

Eye Pencil Kajal - 15 Behind The Scenes

28,00 kr Partnerprodukt
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Produktreferens: 24615087
Discover the sublime intensity of Essence's Khol Kajal Pencil. Its vegan formula offers ultra-precise application for a bold look. Fragrance and paraben-free, this long-lasting pencil, suitable for all skin types, allows the creation of vibrant looks with colorful accents. Immerse yourself in Essence's captivating universe with our Khol Kajal Pencil, a must-have for a flawless gaze. Without compromising on quality, this pencil provides ultra-precise application thanks to its soft tip. Enriched with a vegan formula, it ensures long-lasting wear, perfect for enhancing your look throughout the day.This versatile pencil goes beyond expectations, being fragrance-free and paraben-free, respecting your skin. Create dynamic looks with pops of color, following current trends, and add a touch of glamour to your daily routine. Vibrant colors adapt to all skin types, offering an inclusive cosmetic experience.The easy and precise application of this pencil allows limitless creativity. Its long-lasting feature ensures a worry-free day, and with the ability to sharpen it according to your preferences, each application is as fresh as the first. Redefine your style with Essence's Khol Kajal Pencil, a fusion of quality, performance, and color to enhance your eyes with elegance.

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