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Makeup Revolution
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Makeup Revolution Illuminateur à Poudre Glass

skonhet Dam Blush & punder Makeup Revolution Glass Powder Illuminator - Glass Crystal Blåskonhet Dam Blush & punder Makeup Revolution Glass Powder Illuminator - Glass Crystal Blåskonhet Dam Blush & punder Makeup Revolution Glass Powder Illuminator - Glass Crystal Blå
skonhet Dam Blush & punder Makeup Revolution Glass Powder Illuminator - Glass Crystal Blå

Glass Powder Illuminator - Glass Crystal

Pris angivet av säljaren
189,00 kr      118,00 kr
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Produktreferens: 27982402
Elevate your glow with Makeup Revolution's Glass Powder Illuminator. This finely milled highlighter enhances your natural radiance, leaving your face aglow with stunning luminosity. Crafted with cruelty-free and vegan ingredients, this diamond-shaped compact is a must-have for cruelty-conscious beauty enthusiasts. Immerse yourself in the luminous radiance of Makeup Revolution's Glass Powder Illuminator, a beauty essential designed to amplify your glow effortlessly. This finely milled highlighter, delicately crafted with a blend of light-reflecting particles, works harmoniously with your skin's natural luminosity, imparting a breathtaking brilliance that lasts all day.Crafted with utmost care, this cruelty-free and vegan formula not only enhances your beauty but also aligns with your ethical values. With its exquisite diamond-shaped packaging, Makeup Revolution's Glass Powder Illuminator adds a touch of luxury to your beauty routine, making each application a delightful experience. Elevate your makeup game with this standout highlighter, and let your radiant complexion steal the spotlight wherever you go.Discover the secret to radiant, cruelty-free beauty with Makeup Revolution's Glass Powder Illuminator. Expertly formulated with a precious combination of light-reflecting particles, this illuminator effortlessly enhances your skin's natural luminosity, leaving you with an enchanting glow that lasts all day. Embrace your ethical beauty journey with this vegan formula, packaged in a stunning diamond-shaped compact that will captivate your heart. Elevate your makeup routine with Makeup Revolution's Glass Powder Illuminator and illuminate your features with unparalleled brilliance.

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