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Essence Polvo Compacto Matificante

skonhet Dam Blush & punder Essence Mattifying Compact Powder - 11 Pastel Beige Beigeskonhet Dam Blush & punder Essence Mattifying Compact Powder - 11 Pastel Beige Beigeskonhet Dam Blush & punder Essence Mattifying Compact Powder - 11 Pastel Beige Beige
skonhet Dam Blush & punder Essence Mattifying Compact Powder - 11 Pastel Beige Beige

Mattifying Compact Powder - 11 Pastel Beige

55,00 kr Partnerprodukt
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Produktreferens: 24615130
Essence's Mattifying Compact Powder ensures an impeccable matte complexion. The soft, fragrance-free formula provides a natural finish, free from parabens. Vegan-friendly, it sets foundation for a professional makeup look. Discover mattifying perfection with Essence's Mattifying Compact Powder. The gentle and silky formula, free from fragrance and parabens, ensures a lasting matte complexion with a natural finish. Enriched with vegan ingredients, this delicate and ultra-fine powder applies effortlessly, providing a luxurious feel with each use.The silky texture of the powder facilitates easy application, allowing for even distribution and an impeccable matte complexion. The professional touch of this compact powder delivers an outstanding matte finish, worthy of the finest makeup artists. Not only does it ensure a shine-free complexion, but it also sets the foundation, extending the wear of your makeup throughout the day.Essence, known for its quality and commitment to vegan products, presents the ideal solution for those seeking a perfect matte finish without compromising on softness and naturalness. Give your face the finishing touch it deserves with Essence's Mattifying Compact Powder, for radiant and ethical beauty.

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