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Circa Beauty
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Circa Beauty Poudre Face Time

skonhet Dam Blush & punder Circa Beauty Face time powder - 06 Dark Svart
skonhet Dam Blush & punder Circa Beauty Face time powder - 06 Dark Svart

Face time powder - 06 Dark

Pris angivet av säljaren
277,00 kr      92,00 kr
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Spartoo Premium Days tills 11/06/2024: 20% rabatt med Spartoo Premium.
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Produktreferens: 24614735
Discover Circa Beauty's Face Time Powder for a natural and flawless skin. Lightweight, soft, and oil-free, it seamlessly blends with your natural tone for medium coverage. Goodbye dryness, this powder leaves your skin soft and smooth, revealing natural beauty. Circa Beauty proudly introduces its Face Time Powder, a perfect blend of lightness and medium coverage for flawless skin with a natural finish. This unique, oil-free powder is designed to create a smooth and soft complexion without ever drying it out. Its lightweight texture and creamy blend ensure flawless application, seamlessly blending with your natural tone. Face Time Powder provides even coverage, concealing imperfections while allowing the skin to breathe.Thanks to its innovative formula, this powder ensures a flawless finish, eliminating any feeling of heaviness or powdery appearance. Be captivated by the unparalleled softness of this powder, gently enhancing your skin and revealing natural beauty with each application. Circa Beauty's Face Time Powder is more than just a cosmetic product it's a well-kept secret for radiant, uncompromised skin. Transform your makeup routine with this exceptional powder and discover a new dimension of perfection and natural beauty.

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