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Circa Beauty
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Circa Beauty Poudre Translucide Studio Set

skonhet Dam Blush & punder Circa Beauty Translucent Studio Set Powder - 02 Medium Beige
skonhet Dam Blush & punder Circa Beauty Translucent Studio Set Powder - 02 Medium Beige

Translucent Studio Set Powder - 02 Medium

277,00 kr Partnerprodukt
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Produktreferens: 23905977
Discover Circa Beauty's Studio Set Translucent Powder, a finely milled, lightweight formula with an integrated brush. Ideal for touch-ups, it sets foundation, minimizes shine, and imparts an airbrushed look. An essential for a flawless complexion suitable for all skin types. Circa Beauty presents the Studio Set Translucent Powder, a beauty innovation combining the lightness of finely milled powder and the convenience of an integrated brush, all in one. This versatile formula is an ideal choice for quick touch-ups, providing impeccable foundation setting while minimizing shine. Suitable for all skin types, this product seamlessly integrates into your makeup routine.The fusion of fluffy liquid and brush creates a unique makeup experience. This product, perfect for a flawless complexion, smoothens the skin with an airbrush finish, avoiding any shiny appearance. Circa Beauty's Studio Set Translucent Powder is not just a makeup item it's a sebum control formula, suitable for all skin types. Its easy application gives a flawless complexion, leaving the skin soft, matte, and ready to face the day. Limit shine while revealing the best version of your skin with this essential from the Circa Beauty collection.

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